
Results: 17
Grade Level Placement for Refugee Students
Suzanne Fitzpatrick
Dec 20, 2018
As a university student and teacher in Toronto I studied, lived, worked with and taught refugees from almost all over the world. In the mid-1990s I had a pivotal conversation with a colleague who confided, “I lost my surname and...
Doctoral Education, Pedagogy, and Autoethnography
This special issue of the Morning Watch brings together papers written for a doctoral course in the Faculty of Education.  As facilitators of ED 702A/B Advanced Research Methodology in Education, a core course in the Faculty of...
Emerging researcher pedagogies
This special edition of the Morning Watch is the second collection of papers from the Faculty of Education doctoral students who are participating in ED 702 A/B Advanced Research Methodology in Education in 2017/18.  ED 702 is a...
Criteria for Assessing Sustainability of Lignocellulosic Wastes
Extensive use of petrochemical plastic packaging leads to the greenhouse gas emission and contamination to soil and oceans, posing major threats to the ecosystem. The packaging needs, hence, are shifting to bioplastics with...
Published by: Polymers
The Fall of the Fourth Wall
Over the past several years, the live-streaming of digital games has experienced a vast increase in popularity, coinciding with the rise of eSports as an entertainment medium. For a rapidly growing audience, streamed content...
Published by: IGI Global
The Uncertain Participatory Geoweb
Communities in the Okanagan Valley, Canada are increasingly under threat from forest fires due to climate change and expanding urban development into fire interface zones. The effects of forest fires are not always quantifiable...
Published by: IGI Global
Using Virtual Rehearsal in a Simulator to Impact the Performance of Science Teachers
This study investigated the use of a virtual learning environment, TeachLivE, using pre-post group design to examine the effects of repeated virtual rehearsal sessions. Based upon past findings on the effectiveness of four...
Published by: IGI Global
Blocking dPerk in the intestine suppresses neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterised by selective death of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the midbrain and motor function impairment. Gastrointestinal issues often precede motor deficits in PD, indicating that the gut-brain...
Published by: Cell Death & Disease
Post-COVID-19 syndrome risk factors and further use of health services in East England.
Post-COVID syndrome, defined as symptoms persisting for more than twelve weeks after the diagnosis of COVID-19, has been recognised as a new clinical entity in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study was conducted to...